Journal of Academic Development and Education JADE Issue 10 | Page 48
48 | JADE
ARTICLE #3 | 49
reflective writing within the BSc (Hons) physiotherapy programme
at Keele University. This research suggests that peer review can
be a successful approach to providing formative feedback within
reflective writing, but that a number of pedagogic strategies need
to be in place to ensure that the learning process is meaningful to
students and achieves the aim of enabling students to recognise the
strengths/weaknesses in their reflective writing and understand how
to develop their work.
The process may be developed by providing a mid-range exemplar
given that students were able to identify poor and very good
writing but felt less able to identify mid-range (satisfactory pass)
requirements. Consideration will also be given to providing these
exemplars in advance of the session so that students can gain initial
impressions which can then be discussed in the session. Clarification
about use of peer review at the outset may enable students to
understand more explicitly why peer review and not tutor review is
being used as the formative assessment process. Finally, given the
need for students to be able to close the gap between actual and
desired performance, the intention is to revisit the actions identified
and check students’ ability to follow through on these actions and
amend their work appropriately to meet the needs of the assessment.
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