JACC supports, promotes
local businesses
or several decades, the Joshua Area Chamber of Commerce
has been working to enhance community events and build
lasting relationships with local businesses.
Chamber President Miranda Szurgot said they con-
tinue to improve and offer more to their members each
“We ask our businesses what unique needs they
have and implement those changes to ensure they
get just what they need from their membership,”
Szurgot said.
Membership with the chamber generates many
benefits including business referrals; ribbon cuttings;
open houses; groundbreakings; membership plaques
or window clings; online membership directory listing
with company logo and links to website and social me-
dia; advertisement on the chamber Facebook page; spon-
sorship opportunities; chamber networking events; and
placing business cards and promotional items in the Chamber
welcome center.
“We have a membership formatted specifically for each level in-
cluding home-based, small and large businesses,” Szurgot said.
“The chamber has a reputable referral program to promote the
members. We offer leadership development, networking
events, social media marketing, business consultation and
each member has a mini-webpage with full directory list-
ing on our website.”
The chamber strives to provide excellence cus-
tomer service to their members and assist them in
problem solving, act as a sounding board when busi-
ness owners need advice and organize community
events for the Joshua residents, she said.
The biggest change at the chamber this year was
the addition of Lyric Gonzalez as their membership
and events director.
“Lyric has a passion for community and local busi-
ness, Szurgot said. “She brings new ideas and a reliabil-
ity chamber members can count on. She is a wonderful
counterpart and I am thrilled she is in this position.”
For more information about the chamber, call 817-556-2480 or
visit joshuachamber.com.
Miranda Szurgot
Lyric Gonzalez
Together, we can make a difference in our
community! Whether you are a new or existing
business, the Chamber can assist you in expanding
your marketing network while enhancing
what we offer the community.
Visit us online at joshuachamber.com
4 Joshua Community Guide