nity with a youth baseball/softball organi-
zation to encourage and develop the fun-
damental skills and physical growth of
young athletes since the 1980s.
Children ages 4 to 14 can participate in
the recreational league, with children
ages 6 to 14 participating in the prime
President Dustin Dees said the
association has been part of the
Joshua community for over 40
“We pride ourselves in making
sure the kids, parents, coaches and
spectators are all having a great time
and enjoying the best sport in the
world,” Dees said. “We aren’t only teach-
ing baseball or softball. We are teaching
teamwork, manners, follow through and
what it means to be part of something
larger. Part of a team.
Joshua Community Guide 33
“We are teaching how to be there for a
teammate when needed by doing your job
on the field and cheering on the other play-
ers on their team, at all times. Being a part
of JBA isn’t only fun; it teaches life lessons
needed to grow and become a respectable
young man or lady. Something every kiddo
needs these days.”
The baseball program is larger than
most cities in Johnson County, he said, and
the softball program is starting to grow
“We welcome Prime teams and have
several cities to interlock with for tourna-
ments and Prime leagues for the 2020
Spring season,” he said. “JBA has many
good things planned for the future. Come
be a part of something wonderful.”
For information, visit or the
Joshua Baseball & Softball Association
Facebook page.