• Accounting and finance services:
This teaches students how to examine, an-
alyze and interpret financial records. They
will learn the skills necessary to perform
financial services, prepare financial state-
ments, interpret accounting records, give
advice or audit and evaluate statements
prepared by others.
• Teaching and training: This prepares
students for careers related to teaching, in-
struction and creation of instructional and
enrichment materials. This program
teaches to a wide variety of student
groups and their corresponding needs and
familiarizes them with the processes for
developing curriculum, coordinating edu-
cational content and coaching groups and
• Early learning: This focuses on early
childhood education, which consists of in-
structing and supporting preschool and
early elementary school students in activi-
ties that promote social, physical and in-
tellectual growth, as well as in basic ele-
ments of science, art, music and literature.
• Cosmetology: This introduces stu-
dents to knowledge and skills related to
providing beauty and personal care ser-
vices. Students can earn their Cosmetol-
ogy Operators License.
• Culinary arts: This introduces stu-
dents to occupations and educational op-
portunities related to planning, directing
or coordinating activities of food and bev-
erage organization or department. This in-
volves students directly participating in
the preparation and cooking of food. They
can earn their Food Handlers certification.
• Health science: Students learn to rea-
son, think critically, make decisions, solve
problems, communicate effectively and
work well with others. They can earn their
Certified Nurse Aide, pharmacy techni-
cian and/or phlebotomy certifications.
• STEM: This focuses on planning,
managing and providing scientific re-
search and professional and technical ser-
vices, including laboratory and testing ser-
vices and research and development ser-
Cybersecurity will be added to the
school’s CTE curriculum in the 2020-21
school year, which includes occupations
and educational opportunities related to
planning, implementing, upgrading or
monitoring security measures for the pro-
tection of computer networks and infor-
mation. It may also include exploration
into responding to computer security
breaches/viruses and administering net-
work security measures.
Not every pathway ends in a certifica-
tion, Shafer said, but each will help lead
students in the right direction.
“They’re all good options and good
programs,” she said. “Overall, they’re all
sought after programs within our CTE
As as well as giving students opportu-
nities to take college-level courses with
dual credit or Advanced Placement, some
can also earn an associate’s degree and
high school diploma at the same time.
Twenty-five students are accepted into
the district’s associate degree program,
which is a partnership between the district
and Hill College.
All JISD eighth-graders are eligible to
apply, Shafer said. The Class of 2022 will
be the district’s first group of students to
graduate with an associate’s degree along
with their diploma.
For information on any of the pro-
grams, visit joshuaisd.org.
Tex Mex
Become a CASA
When a child goes into foster care due to abuse or
neglect, a judge appoints a committed volunteer
called a CASA or Court Appointed Special Advocate,
to advocate in court and in the community for that
child. The volunteer’s focus is on that child, giving
hope and help in guiding the child to a safe place.
301 E, 12 St. Suite A-B
Joshua, TX
Family Dollar Shopping Center
HWY 917
For more information on becoming a
CASA Volunteer, contact us at:
[email protected]
call 817-558-6995 ext. 13
30 Joshua Community Guide