Joshua ISD offers courses to
prepare students for future
nsuring students are prepared for
both college and the workforce is
the goal for Joshua ISD.
From giving students the opportunity
to earn industry certifications to giving
them a head start on their college degree,
JISD Superintendent Fran Marek said
their goal is to prepare their students for
anything life is thrown at them.
“CTE courses provide students with
knowledge for both the workforce and
college,” Marek said. “These courses are
beneficial and important in preparing
our students for life after high school. Af-
ter successfully completing a CTE coher-
ent sequence, students are prepared for
certain workforce fields as well, as col-
lege degree plans.”
Students have many Career & Techni-
cal Education pathways to choose from
with three endorsements: business and
industry, public services and STEM —
Science, Technology, Engineering and
Postsecondary Readiness Director
Brooklyn Shafer said eighth grade is
when students choose their high school
graduation plan.
“What they’re working to do is choos-
ing their endorsement for high school
and creating their personal graduation
plan for all four years of high school,”
Shafer said. “Then, in ninth grade they
start taking classes towards those en-
The pathways include:
• Agriculture, food and natural re-
sources: This focuses on the essential ele-
ments of life — food, water, land and air
— and includes a divers spectrum of oc-
cupations ranging from farmer, rancher
and veterinarian to geologists or land
conservationist. It also includes non-tra-
ditional agricultural occupations.
• Web development, animation and
audio/visual: This focuses on careers in
designing, producing, exhibiting, per-
forming, writing and publishing multi-
media content including visual and per-
forming arts and design, journalism and
entertainment services. Careers require a
creative aptitude, strong background in
computer and technology applications,
academic foundation and a proficiency in
oral and written communication.
• Business management: This teaches
students how to plan, direct and coordi-
nate the administrative services and op-
erations of an organization. Students will
the skills necessary to formulate policies,
manage daily operations and allocate the
use of materials and human resources.
28 Joshua Community Guide