receiving financial aid. SWAU is highly
ranked in affordability and awards more
than $4 million in financial aid every year.
U.S. News and World Report ranks the
University No. 11 overall in its 2020 Re-
gional Colleges West rankings as well as
No. 3 for Social Mobility. Niche ranks
SWAU as one of Texas’ safest colleges.
Featuring a diverse campus that in-
cludes students from nearly three dozen
states and several dozen countries as well
as an average student/teacher ratio of 12:1,
SWAU offers a uniquely diverse and per-
sonal college experience. Departments in-
clude biology, business administration,
mathematics and physical sciences, com-
munications, computer science, education,
music, history and social sciences, modern
languages, nursing, kinesiology, psychol-
ogy and religion.
SWAU is accredited by the Commission
on Colleges of the Southern Association of
Colleges and Schools, Adventist Ac-
crediting Association of Seventh-day
Adventist Schools, Colleges and
Universities, International Assem-
bly for Collegiate Business Edu-
cation, Texas Education Agency,
Texas Board of Nurse Examiners
and the Commission on Colle-
giate Nursing Education.
For information, call 800-433-
2240 or visit
Hill College
Hill College, at 2112 Mayfield Park-
way in Cleburne, has more than 4,400 stu-
dents enrolled at its five campuses: Hills-
boro, Cleburne, Burleson, Glen Rose and
Meridian. Two-thirds of the students at-
tend full time. Over half of the students are
from Johnson County.
Hill College is a comprehensive com-
munity college that opened in Hillsboro in
1923 and offers academic and technical
programs leading to certificates and de-
grees in more than 60 fields of study in
health sciences, physical education, hu-
manities, social services, mathematics and
Hill College has nationally recognized
technical programs in areas such as nurs-
ing, cosmetology, Cisco computer training,
HVAC and welding. Noncredit and con-
tinuing education courses are also offered.
Noncredit and continuing education
courses are also offered. Hill provides more
than $500,000 per year in scholarships to
Since 1974, Hill College, Cleburne Ex-
tension Center has provided post-second-
ary education to the residents of Johnson
In 1997 and 1998, the residents of Al-
varado, Cleburne, Godley, Grandview,
Joshua, Keene, Rio Vista and Venus ap-
proved a local maintenance and operation
tax for the purpose of supporting a Hill
College branch campus in Johnson County
and the Cleburne Extension Center became
the Hill College Johnson County Campus.
The Cleburne campus overlooks Lake
Pat Cleburne on U.S. 67 and consists of 32
acres of land, plus 15 adjoining acres leased
from the city.
The campus has a classroom building, a conference rooms. It is the largest Snap-on
educational facility in the country.
Hill College announced its new partner-
ship with Trane, a global provider of in-
door comfort solutions and services, in
2015 and opened the new Hill College
Technical Center, 319 E. Henderson St. in
The facility houses HVAC laboratories
that will help train students to become
technicians. Three new laboratories occupy
the ground floor of the old Walls Building.
For information, call 817-760-5600 or
library, a student center, the Margie Faye
Wheat Kennon Health Science Center, and
the Tolbert F. Mayfield Administration
The Cleburne campus awards associate
degrees, certificate of technology and certif-
icate of completion and offers up to 44
hours in state core curriculum courses.
In downtown Cleburne, the Snap-on
Automotive Technology Program is con-
sidered the most technically advanced au-
tomotive training center in the area, and
the only one of its kind in the state. Stu-
dents are fully prepared after graduation to
take the Automotive Service Excellence cer-
tification exam.
The facility features state-of-the-art
equipment and tools, a two-story lab area
with 10 car stalls, classrooms, training and can easily commute.
Located about 27 miles from Alvarado,
Texas Christian University, 2800 S. Univer-
sity Drive, has an enrollment of 9,445 un-
dergraduates and 1,473 graduate students.
There are 115 undergraduate areas of study
and 94 graduate areas of study.
Located about 28 miles from Alvarado,
Texas Wesleyan University, 1201 Wesleyan
St. in Fort Worth, has an enrollment of
about 2,619, with 31 undergraduate pro-
grams and five graduate programs.
Located about 37 miles from Alvarado,
The University of Texas at Arlington, 701 S.
Nedderman Drive, has an enrollment of
about 41,933 students in campus-based and
online degree programs pursuing more
than 180 bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral
degrees in a broad range of areas.
12 Joshua Community Guide
Other universities
There are several universities within
driving distance of Alvarado so residents