Foundation is a nonprofit corporation governed by a board of directors who are dedicated to education and share a vision for excellence in their schools . It was created in 2008 by a cross-section of community volunteers to support and enhance the education of all students in Joshua ISD .
The foundation solicits , manages and distributes funds for enrichment purposes in academic program areas not otherwise funded by the district . Contributions are received from both individuals and corporations to support projects , activities and create an endowment fund .
Student enrichment opportunity grants can be funded up to $ 2,000 to provide funds that reward excellence in scholarship and character to qualified students for academic programs that extend beyond the classroom and that supplement and align with the district ’ s improvement plan .
Technology initiatives can be funded up to $ 15,000 to a district , $ 10,000 to a campus and $ 5,000 to a team of teachers to enable district educators to integrate cutting-edge technology that supplements and aligns with the district ’ s improvement plan into their curricula .
Instructional enhancement grants can be funded up to $ 15,000 to a district , $ 10,000 to a campus and $ 5,000 to a team of teachers to district educators for funding resources and materials for experiential learning opportunities that supplement and align with the district ’ s improvement plan .
For information , visit the Joshua ISD Education Facebook page or joshuaeducationfoundation . org .
20 Joshua Visitors guide | 2023