Farewell to Fr Adrian Danker , SJ - Principal of SJI from 2016 - 2021
Emphasis on Professional Learning and Development
When Fr Adrian laid out a 5-year progression roadmap for the Strategic Plan back in 2016 , many of us were uncertain of how things would pan out . The PLD committee followed the road map by faith , with strong support from the school leaders for dialogue and innovation . Over the years , we challenged our staff to grow professionally , collaborated to learn deeply , coached ( and hence learned ) to maximise our potential as well as that of those we mentored . We also connected with people within and beyond SJI to learn through networking and benchmarking . Since then , we have witnessed the SJI ������������������������������������������������������������ the wider fraternity beyond SJI . Looking back now , it has been such an enriching and meaningful journey , thanks to the vision Fr Adrian had back then for SJI .
20 St Joseph ’ s Institution