Josephian Annual - 2020 | Page 99

CO-curricular Activities
Year 4 Judokas
“ We march forward .”
The year 2020 has been one of the most eventful and challenging yet fruitful ones the SJI Judo team has ever faced , be it in the onset of the dreadful Covid-19 pandemic , the subsequent cancellations of the National School Games , and even the migration from our decade-long dojo at CJC to our new home at SJI . It is as if the rug has been swept from under our feet in just 6 months - almost everything we had foreseen , prepared for and anticipated has been washed away by towering tsunamis of instantaneous change . A year ago , not a single person could have predicted that trainings would have been cancelled for four months , all forms of tournaments and championships , along with the heaps of blood and sweat that went into it , made invalid in the span of a few days . Ayear ago , no one would have known that we had to bid farewell to the cosy abode that housed our Judokas for many years . These humbling tests of strength in the face of adversity simply could not have been thought of even in one ’ s wildest dreams . Yet it has popped out of seemingly nowhere - such is life . Therefore , we shall not falter .
“ Onward and upward in life ’ s earnest battle ”, our school rally cries . In the presence of the seemingly indomitable mountains standing in front of us , we march on , shoulder to shoulder . Our spirits and the bond between Josephians have only been made ever-so resilient through the heavy seas we have managed to wade through , and these waves would only get higher . But in the spirit of Judo CCA , and the trust we have in each other , I firmly believe that it would only make us stronger .
-Sean Chin
Josephian Annual 2020 99