Learning Journeys
Signum Fidei Programme
The Signum Fidei Programme ( SF ) aims to achieve the goal of allowing Josephians to integrate and transform their learning into practical solutions . Through the design thinking processes , the students will innovate beyond their existing paradigm and offer a fresh perspective into realworld issues which they are passionate about .
Year 3 Signum Fidei
In Term 2 , the Year 3 IP boys learnt the theoretical underpinning to the Design Thinking process . Working in groups , the students adopted a specific target user group and sought to understand their needs by conducting interviews . Through empathising with their user , they put together the problem statement and sought to ideate and prototype solutions that aimed to meet the needs of their target user group . This culminated in a final presentation of their project to their peers and teachers , which highlighted the issue and their proposed solutions through the prototypes that they have created .
The experience from the table-top exercise was important in preparing the students in their collaboration with important to prepare our students as they collaborated with organisations such as the Science Centre , National Environment Agency , Corruption Practices Investigation Bureau and Ugly Food in Term 3 . Each organisation shared with the attached groups their problem statement ( s ) and the students used the Design Thinking process to innovate and create solutions to these problems . After completing the process , the groups presented their proposed ideas / solutions to the organisations .
Year 4 Signum Fidei
1 . Innovathon Through Term 2 and 3 in 2020 , Year 4 IP students worked on a design proposal and created a physical prototype under the theme of ‘ Innovative Sustainability ’. On 21 August 2020 , they were given an additional theme , Patriotism ( tied to National Education ) for them to work on and modify their current project . The day ran like a ‘ hackathon ’, where the students worked on the new proposal and prototype design , and showcased their final product via a gallery walk and final judging . The team from MN401 comprising of Tristan Tay Yu Hng , Balon Alexandre Stephane Daniel , Dhanush Anilkumarapillai and Shriram Kathiresan emerged as winners of the event , for their project - Home for the physically impaired / elderly .
2 . SFgives The students collaborated with Singapore Central CDC and other organisations to run a ‘ Publicity and Awareness Day ’ for a community cause of their choice . The beneficiaries included community groups from the special needs , elderly , migrant workers , environment and children . The students set up panels to publicise the programmes such as Purple Parade , and raise awareness for the needs of the community and create handicrafts , in hope of securing pledges from the SJI community to volunteer . The students have planned to work with the beneficiaries during the period when they are waiting to begin their Year 5 .
Through their SF projects , the boys recognised that Design Thinking is not just a process or theories but can be effectively applied to real world problems . Both the organisations and our students thoroughly enjoyed the process and some selected ideas will be implemented by the organisations in collaboration with the groups next year .
Innovathon-Finalist Prototype The lah Catcher
Winners of the Innovathon
Innovathon - Year 4 IP students working on the prototype
Josephian Annual 2020 77