Lasallian Distinguished Service Award
Year 6
Ho Yuen-Ting , Caitlin Eve ( ML614 )
Caitlin Ho Yuen-Ting is not only a strong academic student , but also an enthusiastic participant of extra-curricular activities . As the head of the student outreach committee of the Student Council Executive Committee , Caitlin initiated several projects with her committee members , including revamping the school gym and redesigning the girls ’ PE shorts , based on regular feedback forums that she held with the student body . She was also involved in the planning and execution of many school events including Open House , Racial Harmony Day and Year 5 Orientation Camp . Being part of the core committee for Open House� Caitlin liaised �ith different sta�eholders �ithin the school to ensure that the publicity campaign ran smoothly and was memorable .
Caitlin was also an active member in the wider school community in her various Creativity , Activity , Service ( CAS ) activities . Always passionate about service learning , Caitlin has also been heavily involved in community service outside school through her church community since she was young and has participated in many overseas mission trips , which she found humbling and eye-opening One of Caitlin ’ s most memorable overseas service learning projects was at Phnom Penh , Cambodia for Global Education Programme ( GEP ), to work at Lasalle Pothum
School . She was actively involved in the planning and executing of lesson plans to ensure that there �as effective teaching and learning carried out with the children at the school . Despite being disconnected from the world with limited technological exposure and language barriers , the trip made her appreciate different lifestyles and cultures� and allo�ed her to forge closer bonds with her peers . The sustained interaction with the locals , coupled with the positive energy brought about by everyone working together and encouraging one another , made it a rewarding experience which taught her to remain resilient in the face of adversity and enjoy the little moments in life that can be ful�lling and �e�ora�le .
Passionate , bright and capable , Caitlin is a well- balanced individual who is able to balance her studies , school co��it�ents and other co-curricular e�periences effectively . �n vie� of her signi�cant contri�utions and e�e�plary conduct� Caitlin was awarded the school ’ s pinnacle award , Lasallian Distinguished Service Award . With her interpersonal skills , abilities and passions , Caitlin is poised to accomplish meaningful progress in her life and for her community and we look forward to hearing of her future successes .
42 St Joseph ’ s Institution