Lasallian Distinguished Service Award
Year 4
Edward Thomas Patani ( FN402 )
Edward is a true Josephian , a person with a strong sense of faith , service and community . He has an excellent sense of social awareness and responsibility . A compassionate student , he cares for others and is willing to extend a helping hand to those in need . Confident and independent , he can be relied upon to carry out tasks assigned to him efficiently . Edward has an open mind and is able to engage comfortably in conversations with his teachers and his peers . He is forthcoming and articulates his opinions and ideas during group discussions without forcing his opinions on others . His ability to remain calm and courteous under pressure and his sense of responsibility have earned him the respect of his peers .
His form teachers , Ms Chen Shuying and Madam Shanti , have this to say of Edward , “ Edward is a student with a great sense of responsibility and integrity . He is respectful towards teachers and helpful towards his peers . He displays a lot of initiative and will commit to do his best with the tasks entrusted to him . He shows immense consideration for others and always brings a smile to others with his cheerful disposition .”
Conscientious , meticulous and quick to grasp concepts , Edward showed determination to fulfil his potential academically . He is tenacious , self-disciplined and strives hard for excellence . He has a positive work attitude and sets high standards for himself . When assigned a task , he will go the extra mile to ensure it is completed to the best of his ability .
Ms Wong Kah Yan , Teacher Mentor of the Student Council remarks , “ Edward is a quiet and humble councillor . His quiet dedication to the community has made many of his juniors look up to him as a role model and someone to approach when in need .”
Edward was a valuable member of SJI National Cadet Corps ( NCC ) where he held the position of Staff Sergeant . He was in charge of leading and training the Year 1 students in 2019 and 2020 in a range of activities . He participated in several competitions over the four years and played a significant role in his unit achieving the Gold Award annually for the interschool competitions from 2017 to 2019 .
Keen to do his part for community , Edward participated in the International Education Trip to Thailand where he and his NCC teammates taught the Thai students conversational Chinese and English along with basic Mathematics . He also volunteered his services at St . Theresa ’ s Home every week during the school vocation .
Edward is unassuming , respectful and always sensitive to the feelings of others . His candour and warmth towards fellow schoolmates and teachers make him a very likeable person . He has �ade a signi�cant difference to the co��unity and is truly a worthy recipient of the Lasallian Distinguished Service Award .
Edward has outstanding leadership qualities . He has managed responsibilities as a Peer Support Leader ( PSL ) and was involved in planning the Year 1 Orientation Camp , where he helped coordinate activities to help them settle into secondary school life . He was also the President of Legion of Mary ( Queen of all Saints ), where he led and organized charity work and weekly meetings . In addition , he was a member of the SJI Student Council . As a Student Councillor , he was involved in the planning of school wide events such as Teachers ’ Day 2019 .
32 St Joseph ’ s Institution