Senior Section
Lasallian Distinguished Leadership & Service Award
Low Hui Ann Zaneta ( TG618 )
Zaneta is a motivated student who tries her best in all her endeavours . She is a hardworking student who is enthusiastic , diligent and purposeful in her work and takes responsibility for her academic progress . She is also a helpful and generous student who was always willing to extend a helping hand to her classmates who were struggling academically . She adopts a cheerful and enthusiastic approach towards learning which was often inspirational and encouraging to others . Zaneta always tried her best in working hard to ensure that she succeed in all the tasks that she had planned to accomplish . With a strong sense of enquiry , she was keen to learn and unafraid to ask questions when in doubt . Zaneta worked well on an individual basis as well as in groups . Her attitude towards learning is positive and she showed resilience in overcoming her challenges . Despite that , she remains well-grounded and humble . She is polite and respectful towards both teachers and peers and is well-liked by her school-mates .
Besides being a conscientious student , Zaneta also contributed to the wider school community in many different ways . She was a member of the executive committee of the Student Council where she served as the Head of the Student Outreach Committee . One of her key tasks involved the enhancement of the communication between the various parties in SJI . She proved to be responsible in the execution of the tasks assigned to her . In the organization of key events for the school , she showed good leadership skills and collaborated well with her team mates . In the many events that she helped to organize for the school , such as Valentine ’ s Day 2019 , Talk Talk Therapy , Wholesome Week , The Agape Movement , Prom Night and Orientation Programme for the Year 5 students , Zaneta was always highly enthusiastic about serving the community . She received the Distinguished Lasallian Leadership and Service Award in 2019 in recognition of her many contributions to the school .
Zaneta also served as a photographer for a variety of school events on multiple occasions and she was a member of the Cross Country team in SJI . Despite her hectic schedule , she turned up regularly for cross country training and she showed perseverance during the sessions where she had to run for several kilometres each time . She did not give up even though the training sessions proved to be tough and she overcame her challenges through her determination to complete whatever she has set out to achieve .
Despite her many commitments , Zaneta is one who takes responsibility in optimising her personal growth and development . She was selected by the school to participate in Pre-U Seminar 2018 : Transforming our # SG Challenge . During this seminar , Zaneta developed an open mind in learning about the opportunities and challenges that mark Singapore ’ s next lap of development in the midst of rapidly evolving geopolitical changes and technological trends . She participated wholeheartedly during the discussions with her peers and contributed her opinions about the topics in a confident manner .
Besides her many contributions to the school , Zaneta is also one with a heart to reach out to the less fortunate in society . She was a participant of the 2018 Global Education Programme to the Bamboo School in Thailand . During this trip , Zaneta found joy while interacting with the less privileged children in Thailand and she showed kindness , empathy and a willingness to share in her interactions with them . Zaneta was able to relate to the children in a sincere manner and she was patient and caring in all her undertakings .
Persistent , motivated and growth oriented , Zaneta is a well-balanced individual who is able to balance her studies , community work and sports commitments effectively and her performance in all these areas are impressive and commendable .