Josephian Annual - 2019 | Seite 24


Staff News

Mrs Goh Poh Kenn
Mrs Goh Poh Kenn retired on 31 March 2019 after 27 years of outstanding and exemplary service in SJI . She joined SJI on 1 January 1992 and has proven to be a natural leader who has the drive to lead others . She has held several key leadership positions in SJI . In 1999 , she was appointed Assistant Principal ( Curriculum / Projects ), where she consistently set high standards for the school and contributed positively and effectively to the education of our students over many years . She was also instrumental in initiating , conceptualising and implementing the school ’ s IT programme and infrastructure under MOE ’ s IT Masterplan .
In 2002 , Mrs Goh was nominated for the Leaders in Education Programme ( LEP ). She was awarded The Lee Kuan Yew LEP Award for being the best participant in that Class for achieving the best overall performance . On completion of the LEP , Mrs Goh was promoted to Deputy Principal ( Curriculum ) on 1 January 2003 . As DPC , she effectively planned , implemented and reviewed the school ’ s overall curriculum programme . She is well respected by fellow professionals for her dedication , commitment and service to education and the school .
She steered the school in preparation for external validation ( EV ) of the school ’ s processes and outcomes conducted by MOE ’ s External Validation team and the SPRING Singapore . The school was well validated and attained the Singapore Quality Class in 2004 and the Best Practice Award ( Teaching & Learning ) in 2005 . Mrs Goh also played a pivotal role in SJI getting the School Excellence Award in 2008 .
She was awarded the National Day honours of Long Service Medal in 2006 and Public Administration Medal ( Bronze ) in 2007 by the President of the Republic of Singapore in recognition of her outstanding work over the years .
She was appointed as Vice-Principal ( Administration ) in 2018 to coordinate and streamline the school ’ s various administrative processes which include student services , facilities , general administrative support , school safety and emergency planning . She leaves behind a solid foundation for her successor to continue improving the school ’ s administration services in the coming years .
In her final assembly address to the school on 25 March , Mrs Goh described Josephians as beautiful people who have a good understanding of what it is to be compassionate as well as a sensitivity and a deep loving concern for others , especially the last , the lost and the least .
Ms Angayarkanni Periasamy
Ms Angayarkanni Periasamy joined St Joseph ’ s Institution as a trained teacher on 1 Jan 1992 . In her 28 years with the school , she has taught both English Language and Literature across all four secondary levels . She possesses sound knowledge in both subjects as evident in her preparation of resources and lesson delivery .
As a member of the English Department , Kanni is conscious of her professional roles and duties and contributes wholeheartedly to the committees she serves . She is especially known for her role in preparing the participants for the prestigious annual Plain English Speaking Award ( PESA ) competition . She takes this responsibility very seriously and has helped produced top award winners over the years . It helps that Kanni is a good speech model herself . She is a confident and articulate teacher .
Kanni is a responsible form teacher with a heart for the students . Her kindness and patience are unsurpassed . She carries herself in a dignified manner and has never as much as raised her voice . In her relationship with students , she has consistently established trust grounded on mutual respect .
Kanni is very generous with her time and is very obliging when students request for help with their work . She gives all her students fair learning opportunities and will think nothing of
sitting together with them after school hours to ensure that they leave the session enlightened . There was also one year where she went beyond the call of duty to personally coach one student who needed special help to prepare for his GCE ‘ O ’ Level Literature Paper .
Kanni has given nothing less than her best to the SJI community . The school is appreciative of her contributions and wish her all the best as she retires after serving 38 years in the education service .
Each of us will have our memories of Kanni and how she has touched the hearts of not only her students but each one of us in SJI . She is a kind lady and her gracious words and warm smile will be dearly missed by both students and staff .