Our Teachers In 1988 , teachers prepared to begin school anew at Malcolm
Road by “ attending seminars and training programmes held in school and outside , on how to do group work effectively , conduct pastoral care lessons and teach beyond the syllabus .
Mr Lui Seng Cheong recalled , “ They were enthusiastic and wanted to introduce change . There was a lot going on , many creative strategies were suggested and the momentum for change was created ”. This preparation saw SJI ’ s teachers teaching the Secondary 1 classes in new and innovative ways , as an independent school should . In English and Literature classes , “ students did more group work . The boys were encouraged to discuss topics among themselves and present what they had learnt . Homework took the form of posters , poems and plays rather than just written assignments ”. Other academic departments introduced new strategies to teach their subjects . Teachers worked closely with academic heads and school leaders to introduce these changes .
Assembly at the field ( before redevelopment )
Assembly at the field ( after redevelopment )
Sources :
• 10 Years of Independence : St Joseph ’ s Institution
• A Souvenir - Commemorating the official opening of SJI at Malcolm
Road ( 7 April 1989 )
• Living the Mission : The SJI Story ( 1852-2002 )
• Recollection of Life in an Accidental Nation : Alfred Wong Hong Kwok