Josephian Annual - 2018 | Page 62


Economics Symposium

The Economics Symposium on 14 August brought together industry specialists and over 165 students and teacher- attendees . Together with our very own Year 5 students , the lecture theatre was packed ( in excess of 500 participants ) with eager and curious minds that attentively listened to the talks and contributed to the panel discussions with many thoughtprovoking questions .
The topic for this year ’ s Economic Symposium was “ Economic Outlook : Challenges and Opportunities ” and Mr Mark Tan ( GIC ), Mr . Goh Mia Hock ( PSA ), Mr Song Sen Wun ( CIMB Private Banking ) and Mr Liew Yin Tze ( MAS ) were our guest speakers . They shared their invaluable views from their respective fields of expertise .
We look forward to next year ’ s edition and hope to see many of our guests back for more lively discussions and debates .
Manisha Saigal as MC
PSA Mr Goh Mia Hock
CIMB Mr Song Seng Wun
GIC Mr Mark Tan
MAS Mr . Liew Yin Sze
Full House !
The students were meaningfully engaged