Josephian Annual - 2018 | Page 57

26 October

End of Year Thanksgiving Assembly

As 2018 drew to a close , SJI remembered the events of a busy year at the Thanksgiving Assembly on 26 October . There was a great sense of pride and achievement as the processional contingent led the school colours into the Founder ’ s Hall , to the tune of the 125 th Anniversary Song .
Friar Michael led the school prayer for the respective levels , with the theme of thanksgiving taken from Ecclesiastes . Each level was contemplative about a time for everything and to remind us to be mindful of “ a season for everything under the heavens ”.
The school also bade a fond farewell to the staff who were leaving SJI . Most notably were the retiring of Ms . Teresa Lim and Ms . Khoo Cheng Eng , who have served the school for an impressive 27 years and 30 years respectively .
For more photos , visit https :// www . flickr . com / photos / stjosephsinstitution / albums / 72157673387689817