Josephian Annual - 2018 | Page 55

28 September

166 th Speech and Graduation Day

It was a ‘ Triduum ’ celebration for our graduating Year 4 boys on 28 September . From the reflective Paraliturgy in the morning where the boys were led by Friar Michael - to be retrospective of their call to mission which started when they joined SJI . During the Paraliturgy , the boys reflected on how they could continue to stay grounded to what they are called to do and overcome their challenges as they surmount the mountains in their lives after they leave SJI . As we pinned the SJI collar badges on our Year 4 boys , we celebrated their graduation . It was a day of gladness , as we cement their memories of SJI before they embark on new journeys ahead to serve the different communities and be persons for others after graduation .
The Farewell Assembly saw a joyous school community come together to affirm the boys becoming men for others , and their juniors celebrated their seniors ’ giftedness and love for the people demonstrated through their acts of service and leadership to the school .
The highlight was the 166 th Speech & Graduation Ceremony in the evening where the boys ’ families came to celebrate the gift of each boy that God has entrusted the school with . The Guest of Honour was Mr Joshua Soh ( Class of 1986 ), Chief Operating Officer , Nogle Limited . Many were encouraged and stirred by the speeches from Fr Adrian and Mr Soh – that the boys have been blessed with the SJI education and they would share the legacy of SJI education with others after they leave the portals of SJI .
The Class of 2018 is best remembered for their love for the community , willingness to go the extra mile and most importantly a cohort that rose above mediocrity as persons for others .
The following students are the winners of the highest awards and recognition from SJI :
Senior Josephian 2018 :
• Koh Boon Kiat ( MN403 )
Spirit of SJI Award ( Principal ’ s Award ) and Lasallian Distinguished Service Award :
• Gabriel Yeo Chong Jing ( ML401 )
Lasallian Distinguished Service Awards :
• Ernest Ang Boon Khiong ( FN401 )
• Nigel Sim Jun Yi ( MN403 )
• Ashley Tan Kai Li ( FN401 )
For more photos , visit https :// www . flickr . com / photos / stjosephsinstitution / albums / 72157696082502850