Secondary Section
Spirit of SJI Award
Gabriel Yeo Chong Jing
( ML401 )
Gabriel Yeo Chong Jing is a servant leader who shows a strong sense of faith and selfless service to the community . In all that he has done at SJI , he has always placed others first , addressing their needs to the best of his abilities . Gabriel espouses the Lasallian values and the traits of a Josephian .
His service to the SJI community is evident in his various roles as Company Sergeant Major of the National Cadet Corps ( Land ), a Prefect and Student Councillor . Despite his heavy academic schedule , he serves the school wholeheartedly and unconditionally . He has effectively influenced many of his peers by motivating them to work towards a common goal in his various capacities of leadership . Fundamentally , he believes and shows the way by leading with empathy and equanimity .
His class tutor Mr Joseph Edison comments “ Gabriel is watchful of those around him and calibrates his approach when coming forward to give his fullest . He is mindful not to over-step boundaries and knows how to bring out the best from others by influencing them with his positivity . He espouses one of the least spoken but most important virtue of a leader – he always listens . He also puts others at ease and it is this demeanor that makes him well-liked and respected .”
Achieving one of the top positions in the National Cadet Corps ( Land ), he fine-tuned and developed his leadership skills by stepping out of his comfort zone . He served as a Company Sergeant Major from 2017 to 2018 and was the Parade Commander for the 2018 Anniversary Parade . His peer , Joseph Sng of LE402 and a member of NCC ( Land ) shares , “ Gabriel is truly a role model . He is always looking out for students who require help . His sincerity to improve situations is clearly observed when he voices his opinions in a manner that makes others really sit up and think .”
Gabriel has also devoted his time to several Catholic events and activities . He helped to organize Catholic events such as the Secondary 1 Catholic Camp and the Lenten Vigil . He fulfilled his responsibilities as a Legionnaire and went further by being involved in the Singapore Junior Curia activities . His teacher-in-charge of the Legion of Mary ( Our Lady of Good Counsel ), Ms Deborah Goh remarks , “ It is inspiring to witness a young man who on his own accord , reflects and is mindful of his actions , resting all his trust and faith in God .”
Gabriel is one who is tenacious in his search for knowledge and constantly strives for good results . His Mathematics teacher , Mr Calvin Ow Yong , remarks , “ Gabriel always strives for the best and never hesitates to help others . He asks good questions to understand the concepts behind the topics and will not readily accept the given answers .”
Gabriel has displayed utmost dedication to serve his peers . He has made a significant difference to the community and is truly a worthy recipient of the Spirit of SJI and the Lasallian Distinguished Service awards .
The Spirit of SJI Award ( The Principal ’ s Special Mention ) This award is presented to a Josephian who best embodies the spirit of SJI . This spirit is exemplified by St Joseph , the school ’ s patron saint , who lived his life by protecting and providing for others . This award is given at the discretion of the Principal and only when there is a graduating student worthy of receiving it . This award will be given out at Year 4 and Year 6 graduation . The recipient of this award receives it in addition to the Lasallian Distinguished Service Award .