Josephian Annual - 2018 | Page 164


Visual Arts Club

Teacher in-charge : Student ExCo :
Ms Joyce Teo David Quek Hao Meng ( TG509 ) / President Koh Jia Yi ( TG517 ) / Vice-President
VAC is an interest-based group that gives students the opportunity to broaden their creative horizons through the sharing and development of artistic skills . Regular sessions include the learning and exchanging of skills and technique in any medium of choice . Our members participated in events and programmes , both within and outside of school , to showcase their creative work . At the same time , they gained experience in leadership , teamwork and collaboration .
The club participated in the joint URA-SUTD community initiative event , Parking Day , for the second year . Months prior to the day of the event , students attended a Design Thinking workshop conducted by the student organisers from SUTD . They learnt more about this global movement to re-imagine public space , explored the different heritage sites to find inspiration , created prototypes and shared their ideas . On the event day , six student groups set up their creative installations that reflected their various ideas , from the importance of recycling to the cultural history of Singapore .
The group , LePark , weaving plastic bags to make a shelter for their installation in preparation for Parking Day
This year , the club collaborated with Ecology club to plan and organize Beneath the Waves , a school-initiated event that was open to the public . This marine wildlife and biology conservation effort was in line with the spirit of the International Year of the Reef and against the backdrop of increasing extreme effects of climate change , pollution and unsustainable exploitation of the oceans . Pope Francis ’ s call for humanity to care for creation in his 2015 Encyclical Letter ‘ Laudato Si ’ is a clear signal for environmental action . The members also contributed artworks for a visual art display that fit the theme of the ocean .
The group , Plastic Memories , setting up a craft station to make baby turtles from recycled eggtrays
The group , Golfe , showing the teachers the rules of the game during Parking Day 2018
Practicing figure drawing during one of our regular sessions
Visual Art Display during the event , Beneath the Waves , to encourage greater care and concern for the ocean .