Josephian Annual - 2015 | Page 14




I hope that the experiences the entire school had with you were enjoyable . I wish you the best of luck at SJI ( I ) and remember that you will always be in our hearts . Ora Et Labora .
Bryan Chin Zhong Xian FN102 ( 2015 )
As a secondary one student who has just joined the SJI family , SJI has so far been a wonderful place for me . I can even confidently call SJI my home now . The teachers are dedicated to their jobs and care for us students . But , all this could not have been done without some important people of SJI . Dr Koh , you are one of these ‘ important people ’. Without your selfless and significant contributions , SJI would not have been what it is today , a joyful place for all to learn how to learn and live . Having friends and teachers always by my side is a very comforting feeling . Your work is greatly and widely appreciated by not just me , but everyone in SJI , students , staff and parents . Have a wonderful and cheerful life ahead . Your work shall continue to be known in SJI . Thank you , Dr Koh !
Calder Lee JunHui LE101 ( 2015 )
Thanks for emphasizing being a big fish in a small pond rather than being a small fish in a big pond
Chew Jun Yee Jaxsen ML402 ( 2015 )
Thank you Dr Koh for your care and concern for SJI . I appreciate the great effort you have put in in nurturing us to be men of integrity as well as men for others . We will remember you and I wish you all the best in your future endeavours .
Chew Zheng Yang ML201 ( 2015 )
I have honestly never conversed with you , but you have with me . And the very word you said did impact me in one way or the other by the assembly talks you have given . I have always looked up to you and I truly feel disheartened for the fact that you are leaving SJI . Thank you for impacting my life with few words you have told me !
C Mahidharah Rajendran ML203 ( 2015 )
Thank you for doing so much for SJI . I like your addresses in the morning as they bring a new perspective and remind us of what it takes to be Josephian .
Gabriel Jerome Lim Tien Siang MN301 ( 2015 )
Merci , danke , gracias and a BIG thank you to you , Dr . Koh Your speeches have really pushed me towards becoming a man of integrity and man for others
Hoang Quang Anh ML203 ( 2015 )
Thank you for your Monday morning speeches , reminding us Josephians that as students , we must do our part to be self-directed learners , more than just that , you also set a good example for us . You will be missed by many here but I believe that your time here in SJI will be remembered . Thank you once again and I wish you all the best in your career .
Ian Cedric Io FN301 ( 2015 )
Dr Koh Thiam Seng is one of the most brilliant and forward-looking man that I have ever met . Despite my struggles with dyslexia in SJI Junior , he assured my parents that he will fight for a place for me in SJI . This heart-warming encouragement and support from a man whom I had not even been formally introduced to , truly kept my hopes high . It geared me towards doing my best and striving towards achieving better grades despite the many difficulties that I faced . But , Dr Koh saw past my mental disposition , and recognised the future Josephian in me .
Throughout my four years at SJI , I managed to get to know Dr Koh better . As an organised man with a positive learning attitude and working methods , he has been a great role model who taught me to embrace the growth mind set instead of the fixed mind set . I respect him greatly as an educator as well as a Principal . His constant affirmation of my courage in making the best of life despite my struggles with dyslexia and muscular dystrophy has made a difficult journey possible and even joyful !
All in all , without Dr Koh , my journey in SJI would not have been so fulfilling . It may not even have started . Through his firm belief in the Lasallian values of caring for the last , the lost and the least , he has been instrumental in affording me and many other students the precious opportunity of experiencing an education in a great school despite our mental and physical challenges .
He truly exemplifies the SJI mission and paves the way for other Josephians “ to learn how to learn and to learn how to live ; empowering them to become men and women of integrity and men and women for others ”.
A very big ‘ thank you ’ to this great man for his hard work and dedication to SJI .
Jerome Thio Soon Hean MN403 ( 2014 )
Dr Koh was a great , erudite man . He tirelessly helped me in my problems and spurred me to greater heights in the many vivid conversations we had about global issues . Being closer to him than many other students , i saw him as not just as a principal , but a mentor , teacher and supporter . I acknowledge Dr Koh ’ s great work in SJI and salute him for all that he has done for me and the Josephian Community .
Jeremy Ong Wei Xi MN401 ( 2015 )
Thank you for your captivating speeches during morning assemblies !
Keefe Teo Wei Wen LE303 ( 2015 )
Thank you for leading SJI for these past few years . Your leadership has pushed us to greater heights and it has raised all standards . I wish you all the best in your future endeavours .
Kendrick Lim Tao Jin MN203 ( 2015 )
Even though I am only in Sec 1 , and have only been in the school for 9 to 10 months , I would like to thank you for what you have done for SJI . I remembered that you interviewed me during the DSA interview , and I would never forget that . That was my first meeting with you , and you made me feel at home . I wish you a fruitful future and do well in your next job .
Lee Gui Min , Adam LE103 ( 2015 )
Thank you for being such a great role model to us ! Well wishes and all the best !
Mervin Lee Zhi Qi ML203 ( 2015 )
I wish to thank you for taking time off to personally meet each of our tutor groups to listen to our woes and suggestions . It was really encouraging to feel that you are always there for us , although we might have few interactions with you . I wish you all the best in your new role as CEO of SJI International . Thank you for being a great principal !
Patwari Rishab JC202 ( 2015 )
I enjoyed my time in SJI having been under Dr Koh for 6 years . Thank you for being a wonderful principal and educator ; without you , we wouldn ’ t be where we are today .
Png Jun Qiang Karl JC208 ( 2015 )
I am only in Sec 1 , so honestly , I don ’ t know a lot about you . But from others , I have heard that you are a great person who has always helped SJI to succeed . If it weren ’ t for you , I probably would not be here in SJI . Thank you for all your contributions to the development of this brilliant school !
Pavan Joe Augustine ML102 ( 2015 )
Even though I am only in secondary one and do not know you very well , I hope that you have a great time at SJII and I know that you have contributed much to the school , ^o^
Dexter Yeo Jing Chen ML101 ( 2015 )
I have only just joined SJI this year ( 2015 ) but I have been informed of the extensive help that Dr Koh has given to SJI . Thank you Dr . Koh !
Tan Jun Ean Ethan MN101 ( 2015 )
Thank you for giving us invaluable advice about school and life during your speeches !!
Tan Jun Han MN402 ( 2015 )
I ’ d like to thank Dr Koh for taking over SJI , the experiences he had shared with the school during assembly , the encouragement and advice he gave to us before and after our examinations to allow us to develop for the better . Thank you , Dr Koh , for being with us in SJI !
Yeo Jie Kai FN403 ( 2015 )