Josephian Annual - 2013 | Page 28



The last time SJI was in The Endau Rompin Nature Reserve was exactly twenty years ago on a trekking expedition to the Buaya Sangkut waterfalls .

Ambivalence was likely the common emotion among the students when they set off for the Endau Kayaking Expedition . There was the thrill of venturing to an unknown place but at the same time the thought of leeches , wild animals , raging rapids and cold mountain winds was formidable . Nonetheless , the students placed their faith in their teachers and instructors to guide them through .
After arriving at the Northern Entrance of the Endau-Rompin National Park in Pahang , final preparations were made for the days ahead . With kayaks inflated , the students trekked into the dense jungle with their kayaks on portage . Once instructions were given , the boys set off on their journey . Aaron Han ( FN304 ) who teamed up with Mayazhagu Guhan ( MN 301 ), recounted how they manoeuvred through the challenging Class 2 rapid , “ We could not even think about the strokes we used , it somehow came to us very naturally as we did a 360 spin in the middle of and shot backwards over the menacing drop . It took us a while but we eventually realised that we had not capsized by which time the euphoria of clearing the rapid led us to triumphantly yelling ‘ Yahoo !’”
1 Are we really going down that rapid ? 2 Alumnus Dr . Pee Tze Yang and Wilson Chang ( LE 202 ) kayaking companionably together
3 Guhan and Aaron taking a breather 4 Kayak Parking
5 Expedition Boss Joshua Tan ( MN 302 ) guiding Wilson through the rapids 6 At the top of the Upeh Guling waterfalls 7 Jasper Loong ( FN 301 ) San Juan Monico III ( LE 301 ) Navoneel Chakraborty ( MN 302 ) all geared up for an adventure