Joseph Brant Hospital Annual Report | страница 21

Message from the Director, Volunteer Resources Every day we are humbled by the faithful contributions of our volunteers – men, women, seniors, teenagers and all ages and stages in-between, who give their talents and their time. The 2016 theme for National Volunteer Week was “volunteers are the strong roots of our community.” Our volunteers at JBH truly are the strong roots of our hospital. You can find a volunteer helping patients, families, visitors and staff on Patient Care units, at our entrances and shuttling people to and from their cars. It is amazing to realize that 642 people gave 73,443 hours of service to our hospital this year! We celebrated 42 volunteers who have reached milestones ranging from 5 to 45 years of service and 28 people have achieved a life membership in the Auxiliary due to their extensive hours of service. Thank you to all of our volunteers who contribute in so many ways every day to our hospital. A few years ago, we introduced a volunteer dining program called “Eating Matters,” assisting patients during their meal while enjoying conversation and encouraging mobility on the Complex Continuing Care and Rehabilitation Unit. This program has flourished with success, and this year, we now have 30 trained volunteers helping our patients during lunch time in the dining lounge with plans to expand to additional meal times. A few years ago, we also introduced a courtesy shuttle service taking people from their cars to the main entrance that has now grown to a tremendously successful program. We have a dedicated group of shuttle drivers who look forward to their days in the sun, helping our patients quickly transport to and from their cars. Over the last year, as our Emergency Department (ED) transforms their model of care, our volunteers are being integrated back into the Department as part of the ED care team, to assist with patients and families as they have emergent issues. Our volunteers are excited to support our patients and families when they need it most. Message from the Board Chair It is an inspiring time to be a part of the Auxiliary at JBH. There is incredible excitement and anticipation for the Redevelopment and Expansion Project and planning for the future of the Auxiliary. With the opening of the new patient tower, we will see an expanded footprint of the Auxiliary businesses. We are pleased to be working alongside the hospital to explore the possibilities for new retail opportunities to support the hospital, the patients, staff and visitors. We have witnessed the faithful commitment of our volunteers create new events for the Auxiliary. Downtown Funk (happening in May 2016) and the Spring Antique Auction are two examples of the creativity, compassion and organization of our volunteer committees. Thank you to all those who participate, contribute and give to making these events and all of the events held this year a success. As a result of the many fundraising events, the thousands of coffees sold in our Auxiliary Tim Hortons, the sales in the Hospital Auxiliary Gift shop, lotteries, raffles and book sales, we are excited to announce that we are giving $340,000 this year towards our $5 million pledge to the Campaign in support of the hospital’s Redevelopment and Expansion Project. Thank you to all of our Auxiliary members who contributed their time, talents and resources towards this pledge. This year, Krista Attwood is stepping down from the Board, following her incredible contributions as the Chair and Past Chair. Krista has provided strong leadership, wise counsel and motivating commitment to the Auxiliary Board and we will miss her presence on