ii ) Equal Opportunities :
The School is committed to equal opportunities and admits students across the full spectrum of academic abilities . The aim is that the School should broadly reflect the community of Greater London . All students have equal access to the curriculum and there is a learning support programme for students with additional learning needs .
2 ) Procedures 2A ) What the applicant must do i )
Prospectus and Online Application Form
Students or parents / guardians may obtain a prospectus and apply in any of the following ways :
• by signing up and joining The BRIT School Virtual Open Evenings 2021 ( See p . 5 )
• by phone or written request
• from careers conventions in their school or neighbouring schools
NOTE : We strongly recommend joining online for the Virtual Open Evenings before applying . This will enable parents and applicants to understand the way in which the School works .
ii ) Specialism
• Applicants must apply for a specific course . All further arrangements in relation to an application will then be based on this initial choice .
• Should a student wish to change their specialism course , send an email to
studentservices @ brit . croydon . sch . uk stating their name , the Strand they have applied for , and that they would like the application withdrawn . The student must start the application procedure again and it will be treated as a new application so please ensure that it is received before the deadline date .
• Applicants whose applications are not successful at any stage may not apply for a different course unless specifically recommended by the School in writing .
The deadline dates are :
Year Applying For
Year 12 ( Post 16 ) Performing Arts
Year 12 ( Post 16 ) Creative Arts & CAP
Year 10 ( Key Stage 4 )
Dance , Musical Theatre , Music & Music Technology , Theatre
Community Arts Practice , Film & Media Production , Interactive Digital Design , Production Arts , Visual Arts & Design
( We give additional time to these Strands in order that portfolios can be prepared )
All courses
iii ) Completing the Form
Closing Date
15 Nov 2021
31 Jan 2022
10 Jan 2022
The online application form will be available from 2nd August . Applicants are encouraged to apply well before the deadline dates as this helps the administration of the applications procedure . Please note that late applications will be added to our waiting list . There is no guarantee that these applications will considered by the strand director .
Please check these deadline dates carefully ; we will not be able to make exceptions if deadlines are missed because the table has not been read correctly .
• Application forms must be completed online in accordance with the instructions .
• When completing the online form the applicant will be asked to upload a copy of their Year 8 or Year 10 ( depending on Year applying for ) school report which should include attendance . The application is considered incomplete and may not be processed until this information is supplied . You may also email a copy of your report to
studentservices @ brit . croydon . sch . uk
• Applicants who do not submit a complete application in time to be processed by the relevant deadline might find that all places in their chosen specialism have been allocated . Experience has shown that this will almost certainly be the case for Dance , Music , Musical Theatre and Theatre . The other courses may have availability after this date .