Joomag’s comprehensive solutions were exactly what Gazelle STL needed.
The magazine’s brand new interactivity allowed readers to engage with its
content on an entirely new level. Upon transitioning to a digital format, the
magazine witnessed a...
4x increase 5x increase
in total views in unique pageviews
6 min increase 28% increase
in time spent in reader retention
Thanks to the digital platform’s in-depth analytics, Hall knew exactly how
many people were reading her magazine (and how). She also came to know
which pages people were most excited about, replicating their formats to
garner more views for her content. Joomag’s analytics had directly impact-
ed the magazine’s content and helped grow its reader base.
Joomag’s Awesome CRM™ also proved handy, streamlining content distribu-
tion for the Gazelle STL team. New magazines were delivered to readers
via custom email campaigns, alerting them in the process.
Hall also commented on Joomag’s cost-effective pricing structure, stating
that she “really liked [it.]. As a start-up magazine three years ago, it was
important that we kept costs down.”
Print magazines looking to digitize their content and appeal to a wider audi-
ence shouldn't wait any longer. Gazelle STL didn’t, and that’s exactly why it
enjoys its continued success today.