image 19
Wishlist , favourites and basket are synced to a customer account ( for access later on any device / browser )
Users should be able to switch from their Smartphone app and continue research , shopping or booking on any of their other devices / browsers , with all items synced in their basket , wish list or favourites , etc .
Product can be easily shared ( e . g . via email , G +, Facebook , Twitter , LinkedIn )
Enable users to share - via email or social network - an item with others for further consideration and to assist them in making a purchase decision . Some categories require more research that others , and some users like recommendations , while others need to confer with friends or family . Try to use native platform share functionality in Android and iOS .
User can click-to-call in-app
Users can easily click-to-call ( CTC ) the brand from within the app . The more complicated the purchase process and / or the higher the price to be paid , or more limited the inventory , the more important it is to position CTC as a primary call to action , visible and accessible when / where users expect it to be . CTC is a key micro-conversion that should be tracked and the value attributed to mobile . ( See image 20 )
image 20