Johnson Creek High/Middle School Newsletter March 2014 | Page 8

8 Blue Jay Update Global Youth Summit Summer Manzke and Anna Mares attended the Global Youth Summit in Milwaukee. The Global Youth Summit brings students from all over the state together to promote global education and becoming global citizens within their communities. The girls spent all day on Feb. 22 connecting and sharing ideas with other students from the state. They are eager to attend the summit again next year. This is the start of looking at the Global Education Certificate that has recently been passed by the Wisconsin Department of Instruction and bringing it to Johnson Creek. Staff Participates in Active Threat Training On Friday, February 14th, staff had the opportunity to listen to a presentation by Mr. Bill Dandoy of the Jefferson County Sheriff ’s Department about active threats in the school. Many of the items covered in the training not only apply to school situations, but also to public environments. Hide: If evacuation is not possible, find a place to hide. • Lock and/or blockade the door. • Silence your cell phone. • Hide behind large objects. • Remain very quiet. One of the main points of discussion was about a person’s different levels of alertness. Those three levels include, red, yellow, and green. Red: High level of alertness, a threat is present or very likely. Yellow: Relaxed but alert to your surroundings. You should be aware where all entrances and exits are located. Take note of suspicious behavior and monitor those people. Green: Completely relaxed, unaware of what is going on around you. You are off in your own world. Fight: As a last resort, and only if your life is in danger. • Attempt to incapacitate the intruder. • Act with physical aggression. • Improvise weapons. • Commit to your actions. Mr. Dandoy recommended that we always remain at level yellow, especially when in public places. The point was made to not be over-stressed and be over the top alert, but to simply be aware. Not only could remaining at this level of alertness help you if there were to be an active intruder, but also in case of fire or medical emergency. Run, Hide, Fight - Tips for Survival: A Department of Homeland Secuirty Grant Funded Project Run: • If there is an escape path, attempt to evacuate. • Evacuate whether others agree to or not. • Leave your belongings behind. • Help others escape if possible. • Prevent others from entering the area. • Call 911 when you are safe. March 2014 Mr. Dandoy pointed out the security issues that face the high/middle school building due to its age and design. He understands that having a completely secure building with our current facility is nearly impossible, due to the constant travel of students to and from the elementary as well as the portable classrooms. The staff found the in-service to be very valuable and much discussion took place afterwards. The district plans to bring back the Jefferson County Sheriff ’s Department for additional training in the near future. In the meantime, emergency plans are being revised district wide to align with the Department of Homeland Security guidelines. Mr. Dandoy will also be working closely with the middle/high school to come up with some solutions to secure the building as best as possible.