Johnson Creek High/Middle School Newsletter March 2014
Stories and events from inside the walls of Johnson Creek High School
March 2014
Blue Jay Update
From the office of the principal
Important Dates:
March 1st: HS/MS Solo/Ensemble
Festival @Deerfield
March 3rd: Referendum Information
March 9th: Daylight Savings Time
(Spring Forward)
March 10th: First day of Track
March 10th: 7:45-11:30 Weather
Make-up Day
March 10th: Parent/Teacher
Conferences, 1-8pm
March 11th: End of Winter Choir
Concert, Grades 5-12
March 13th: Winter Athletic Awards
Night, 7pm
March 17th: First day of Softball
March 24th: First day of Baseball
March 18th: All Band Concert,
Grades 5-12
March 28th: Early Release Day,
Students dismissed at 11:30 am-No
lunch served
March 28th: End of 3rd Quarter
A Message from the Principal...
March Madness has finally arrived!
My favorite time of the year! For me,
March encompasses two of my favorite times: the NCAA Tournament
and St. Patrick’s Day (as I am 50%
Irish). But for most, the excitement
of March accompanies the anticipation of warmer weather.
Yes it is true that March 20th will be
the first day of Spring. This is difficult to believe after being outside
today. As you know, frigid temperatures have caused the school district
to cancel a number of school days.
Because of the cancellations we need
to make up several days. Those extra days will be Monday, March 10th,
from 7:45-11:30 and a full day on
Monday, April 14th. Please put these
on your calendar.
state track meet that could involve a
number of our graduating seniors.
In addition to several calendar changes, I wanted to remind all parents
about our parent/teacher conferences
on March 10th, from 1-8pm. I encourage all parents to make the effort
to attend with your child. It is a great
way to foster communication between
teacher and parent.
Hard to believe that track practice
officially starts on March 10th! Go
Blue Jays!
Cale Vogel
In addition, at the recent school board
meeting, this year’s graduation date
has been moved to June 8th, starting
at 2pm. The date was moved due to
the school board not wanting to conflict with baseball regionals and the
March 2014