COMMUNICA | Issue Four
As with a lot of sectors of a business, digital is
having an increasingly bigger influence, as systems
become more integrated through online and cloud
Human resources and training is no different, to the
extent that John Henry Group has taken steps to
invest in a new digital training system, which will be
supported by in-house produced video production,
digital literature and content, as an internal joint
venure between John Henry Group’s central
marketing, HR and HSEQ teams.
The new system, which works by hosting content
in a ‘cloud’ and delivering it via web or mobile
applications, will ensure appropriate and tailored
content will reach each member of staff, designed
by the John Henry Group training department,
supporting ‘offline’ training initiatives will also ensure
the face-to-face and practical approach to training
and skills develop falls in line with a measurable
digital curriculum.
“This digital training curriculum is a powerful training
and internal communications tool that will deliver
engaging, content, training and development
materials to any employee at any time, instantly via
phone, tablet or on desktop computer,” explains
Group HSEQ Director, Martin Cook, who has been
overseeing the implementation of the new training
system in conjunction with John Henry Group central
marketing and IT teams.
“To train new and existing employees benefits all,
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yes, but that is something the John Henry Group
has believed for a long time and is one of the main
reasons we’re investing heavily in our technology.
“As with everything, we also have a duty of
compliance, and making the latest compliance
materials and information available in digestible and
accessible formats.
“Imagine the power of being able to push content
and compliance forms out to any part of the
business, digitally at any point int time!
“With the company’s ever expanding footprint across
the UK we are based across remote locations, as far
as the North of Scotland.”
All of this requires dedicated steering, which has
resulted in John Henry Group also appointing,
Matthew Street, who is an experienced and qualified
training manager, having also undertaken roles with
John Henry Group HR and HSEQ.
Responsible for producing the training schemes
“To train new and existing
employees benefits all.
That is something the John
Henry Group has believed
for a long time.”