John Henry COMMUNICA Issue Four | Page 40

COMMUNICA | Issue Four Cambridge is known for its magnificent college grounds which are tucked away behind ancient oak doorways - below, Christ’s College, which was established in 1437. The GBN is continuing to expand, with around 4km being added last year (2016), and the University has ambitions to extend out into the surrounding areas circling the city centre. “Not many people know that the network is also available to members of the public who are able to use the connection across various parts of Cambridge to surf the internet on their wireless devices,” said Ritchie. “Laying new duct and pulling fibres does require a lot of capital investment, and working within a busy historic city centre with a medieval street layout does have its own issues, but the University is 808 years old and sees high capital expenditure as no reason to invest in a high-quality asset over the long-term. “Owning your own network simply allows you to do things that you couldn’t do otherwise, and it gives the University complete flexibility in providing its members access to a world class facility.” John Henry Group has been working with the University for about eight years, building a number of network extensions, which are growing in size and number each year. “It has been a learning curve for both John Henry Group and GBN because the nature and location of the works bring very unique circumstances, from excavating through beautifully manicured lawns to managing the throngs of bicycle traffic that come from University sites every ten to the hour (lecture time finish),” explains John Henry Group project manager Jamie Harris, who has been overseeing the works on the GBN in the city. “John Henry Biscomm also pulls many of the GBN fibre cables and often get a different view of Cambridge than the tourists normally do as the network runs through some extraordinary places, 40 | with the college wine cellars a particular highlight. “The University of Cambridge is a fantastic client to work with and over the years we have certainly seen some fantastic parts of Cambridge during various projects we have worked on. “Cambridge is a unique city and there are many great sights tucked away behind the open and closed doors of its colleges - it’s clear that the University itself is fantastic at combining its massive history with its forward thinking visions of the future by rolling out and activating this sort of network. “It really has been a privilage for John Henry Group to be involved with this forward thinking project.” The editor would like to thank the University of Cambridge for access to pictures and information and Ritchie Carter, Granta Backbone Manager for taking the time to support John Henry COMMUNICA. “It’s clear that the university itself is fantastic at combining its massive history with this forward thinking vision”