John Henry Group has
been working to reduce
costs per home during
new FTTH roll outs on
major projects
CM: A number of reports have recently high-
lighted ways in which the civil engineering cost
of deploying new fibre optic broadband net-
works could be further reduced. What are your
thoughts on this?
MH: These sorts of reports are extremely welcome
and certainly covers some of the problems facing
network construction in the UK today
We agree with the Analysis Mason report that early
engagement is essential with all parties. When all
stakeholders are aware of the working schedules
and agendas, we would agree that they run
extremely smoothly.
This should also extend to ongoing site
communications, such as public relations planning
and residential communication.
Our public relations team is currently working on a
strategy to ensure communications with members
of the public is maximised throughout the build
We also agree that the current noticing and
permitting schemes do not lend well to network
construction and a review would be very welcome.
But the report could be improved upon by having
greater discussion on alternative reinstatement
materials not just when referring to Section 58
Restriction notices, but for everyday use in installing
FTTH networks. The alternative materials could be
performance based and may improve the buildability
of networks.
We have had to think innovatively to improve the
way we supervise and monitor the success of street
Success in street works comes in many guises.
Obviously the objective is to deliver a network for
our clients but we also need to ensure we are doing
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this safely and working in conjunction with members
of the public and local and in some cases, national
organisations and authorities.
We have developed new technologies and
techniques to ensure that we can build networks
quicker which means we are effectively ‘out of the
way’ or members of the public quicker than our
competitors but we also have had to think about
defect monitoring and how the end product (the
network) is completed to a satisfactory standard
in the eyes of the client and the local authority for
To do this, we have developed Geo-sight which
allows us to take pictures and evidence complete
and satisfactory works for our clients and local
We are also able to use this technology to
evidentially ‘mitigate’ against unfair defect fines
using photo capture.
Taking this a step further, we have also developed a
progressive initiative called, which is
a search engine that allows members of the public
and other stakeholders in the project to find out
exactly what works are going on outside their homes
or businesses by scanning a special QR code on
special courtesy boards we have developed.
The user inputs their street name and can find the
schedule of works.
They can even sign up to the service as it’s being
built. We hope this will be a powerful tool with
members of the public in the communication
Mark Heraghty, MBA, joined the John Henry
Group as company chairman in 2016. He has
enjoyed a highly successful career with Virgin
Media, where he was Managing Director of Virgin
Media Business.
Mark remains both executive and non-executive
director for several listed and non-listed
companies. He is also a qualified engineer.