John Carroll University 2017 Sorority Recruitment Booklet 2017 Sorority Recruitment Guide_JCU Panhellenic Co | Page 19


potential new members


1 . I will aWend all events that I receive invita * ons to .
2 . I understand that if I do not aWend an event I receive an invita * on to , I will no longer be able to par * cipate in primary recruitment .
3 . I will act respecqully and politely at all events I aWend . I will act in a respecqul manner towards all sorority women I interact with at said events .
4 . I will act respecqully towards my Recruitment Counselors and fellow PNMs , as well as the Panhellenic Execu * ve members , and any university staff I may interact with through recruitment weekend .
5 . I will not discuss my opinions of sorori * es with other PNMs . If opinions are discussed , I will respect fellow PNMs opinions of sorori * es .
6 . I understand that the opinions that I make about sorori * es , and my choices of which sorori * es I wish to go back to throughout the weekend and ul * mately receive a bid from , should be my own personal , individual opinions . I will not let outside par * es , such as fellow PNMs and friends , influence my opinions and choices throughout recruitment weekend .
7 . I will not discuss nor reveal the sorority affilia * on of any Recruitment Counselors or Panhellenic Execu * ve members that I may know .
8 . I understand that if I am extended and accept a bid to a sorority , I am bound to that sorority and ineligible to join a different sorority un * l the next primary recruitment season .
9 . If I choose to be ini * ated into a sorority , I am bound to that organiza * on for life and cannot join a different sorority , even if I terminate my membership with said sorority .