Jobs Magazine May 15 – 21, 2015 | Page 9

JOBS RESOURCES 5 SIGNS You’re About to Be FIRED The decision to fire an employee rarely comes out of the blue. Except for instances of gross misconduct or threatening behavior, companies tend to take a slow and cautious approach to letting their employees go. Even so, many employees are taken completely by surprise when their boss calls them into the office to discuss severance pay and outplacement services. While some firings no doubt do come as a complete surprise, in most cases there will have been some warning signs along the way. Displaced workers often look back and are able to identify those warning signs later on, after the shock of a sudden job loss has worn off. Current employees can learn from that experience and identify warning signs that could impact their careers. If you spot any of these red flags, you might want to start looking for another job now. #2. YOU ARE NO LONGER IN THE KNOW #1. YOU ARE PUT ON VERBAL OR WRITTEN WARNING Corporate culture is important, and how you fit into it will have a big influence on your success or failure. If you find yourself constantly at odds with the corporate culture or always wondering where you fit in, you could be on your way out. If you are new to the company, the powers that be will probably cut you some slack while you learn the ropes. If you have been with the firm for years and are still having trouble fitting it, you might want to look for a more suitable employer. Businesses are afraid of being sued, and they know that letting employees go without giving them a chance to improve their performance could open them up to wrongful termination lawsuits. That is why so many companies document verbal and written warnings and use those warnings to justify the decision to terminate an employee. If you are on a verbal or written warning, the next step could be out the door. If you find yourself suddenly out of the loop and unaware of what is going on around you, it could be a sign that you are on the way out. If your attendance is no longer required in a weekly meeting you had previously been a part of, you might want to spend some time polishing your resume and checking out the want ads. Being cut out of the loop does not always mean you are about to be fired, but it can be a warning sign. If you are worried about your position, you might want to put out some feelers and look for feedback from those in the know. #3. YOU ARE AT ODDS WITH THE CORPORATE CULTURE LSG #4 - YOU MADE A MAJOR MISTAKE It is hard to recover when you have made a major mistake at work, especially one that costs the company a significant amount of money. Even if you manage to hang on and keep your job this time, your influence and reputation could be diminished. If you have made a major blunder at work, you might want to start thinking about other career options. You can hang on and hope that things blow over, but it does not hurt to explore other choices outside your current company. #5. YOUR COMPANY IS STRUGGLING When companies get into financial trouble, they generally take a close look at the biggest line items on the budget. In most cases that will include personnel costs, and that could put your job on the radar. If your company is making financial headlines for all the wrong reasons, now is the perfect time to prepare your resume, cut expenses and get ready to move on to greener pastures. Even if you survive the next round of layoffs, you will be better prepared if the axe does eventually fall. u SPENCER FREE CONSULTATION Fee Deducted From Settlement Hablamos Español LAW GROUP Kelly P. Spencer & Associates 252-HELP (4357) • 1.800.980.0207 535 Wellington Way / 3rd Floor • THIS IS AN ADVERTISEMENT MAY 15 – MAY 21, 2015 9