oes this sound familiar? If it does,
you could be in the grip of a mid-life
job crisis.
It’s quite a common event, and it tends
to creep up on most people unnoticed. It’s
almost as if you’re so busy doing the job you’re
employed to do, you don’t have the time to recognise the point at which you don’t enjoy doing
it anymore. It’s become a habit – and one that
isn’t very good for you.
So how do you solve this problem?
First of all, you need to decide whether it’s the
actual job you no longer enjoy, or the company
you work for. Consider what other roles you
could take on within the company. Do any of
them inspire you? If they do, look to see what
vacancies are available.
The old saying that a change is as good as a
rest holds true, and there is also the possibility of
requesting a temporary change of scene. Maybe
you could be seconded to another department
for a month or two? Many companies do this
quite regularly, as it’s a good way to gain additional knowledge, without having to take on a
job that you may not like. It gives you the opportunity to try something new, without the risk of
leaving your old job behind permanently.
If you feel that a complete change of company is in order, then you will need to decide
whether to start looking at vacancies in similar
companies, or whether to look for something
completely new.
If it’s a new direction you’re after, think about
any aspects of your job you do still enjoy. Think
about what you’re good at, and try and match
your skills and knowledge up with existing
vacancies elsewhere.
You may find you will need to do some extracurricular training towards a new profession.
If this is the case, your best bet is to fit this in
around your current job, so that you can learn
your new skills before leaving the security of
employment to practise them.
Most of us spend around forty hours a week
at our job, so it pays to make sure it’s something
we enjoy. It’s easy to get stuck in a rut and harder
to get out of one, but the effort you need to put
in to get yourself out of it will be worth it in the
long run. u
First of all, you need
to decide whether it’s
the actual job you no
longer enjoy, or the
company you work for.
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Kelly P. Spencer & Associates
252-HELP (4357)
2224 Regency Road Lexington, KY 40503 •