Jobs Magazine December 5 – December 11, 2014 | Page 8

JOBS RESOURCES * Before your week begins, plan out your activities for the coming days and set aside time to spend on activities that you enjoy. 5 WAYS TO BALANCE YOUR Career & Personal Life I f you are working full-time, you might find it challenging to balance your career and personal life. Our minds and bodies can only handle a certain amount of work and pressure, and even if you love your job, allowing your career to consume your life will lead to burnout. Fortunately, there are some simple ways that you can balance these aspects of your life so that you are happier and more productive. Schedule Downtime Before your week begins, plan out your activities for the coming days and set aside time to spend on activities that you enjoy. If you plan a fun activity with your kids, a night out with your friends, or a date with your spouse, you will have something enjoyable to look forward to while you’re at work. Be proactive when it comes to maintaining your schedule, as this can allow you to feel more peaceful and productive during your work day. Make Time for Exercise It is difficult to get moving when your schedule is jam-packed, but making time for exercise can help to increase your energy level and can help with concentration. By ensuring that you take time for yourself 8 to focus on your overall health through exercise, you can feel more alert, better about yourself, and ready to take on the day. Be Efficient with Your Errands Rethink your budget to determine if outsourcing your most time-consuming errands or chores is an option to free up some of your time at home. For example, consider allowing a neighborhood teen to mow your lawn, or start doing some shopping online so that the items that you need are delivered directly to your home. Trade services with your friends as a way to save time, or hire a cleaning service to periodically perform your household deep cleans. Avoid Draining or Meaningless Activities Consider the activities that take up your time, specifically those that don’t enhance your personal life or career, and minimize the time that you spend doing them. If you spend too much time on social media sites, limit the number of hours you can access the Internet during the day. Removing these activities from your life can leave you feeling more productive and efficient. DECEMBER 5 – DECEMBER 11, 2014 Recharge Your Batteries Even on your most hectic of days, try to take 10 minutes to do an activity that will help to recharge your batteries. Go for a walk, read a book that you enjoy, or take a hot bath. Work to build activities back into your schedule that are the most important to you, and make time for activities in your life that will bring you joy. You don’t need to make a major change to feel more balanced in your life. By following a few simple tips, you can be on your way to feeling more at peace with the balance between your personal life and career. u