Jobman2024_Digital_EN | Page 129


WorldSkills Sweden ’ s mission is to raise the status , quality and attractiveness of Swedish vocational education . One way it does this is by organising professional competitions such as the WorldSkills Sweden Championships and advocating for the Swedish National Skills Team ’ s participation in the World Skills Competition and EuroSkills . There is a high need for recruitment in various professions and industries that require vocational training . Despite this , there is often a lack of young people with the necessary interest and skills . For Swedish companies to be competitive , including in the global market , it is vital that they have the relevant skills . Sweden ’ s business community needs employees who can use new technology to create products and services with qualified content . Long-term skills supply to the business community is therefore an important priority .
WorldSkills Sweden is a collaboration between the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise ( Svenskt Näringsliv ), the Swedish Trade Union Confederation ( LO ) and the Swedish Government through the Swedish National Agency for Education ( Skolverket ), Ministry of Education and Research ( Utbildningsdepartementet ) and Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education ( Myndigheten för yrkeshögskolan ). It also involves professional organisations , vocational committees , government agencies , schools and companies active in this important initiative .
For further information : www . worldskills . se / english