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At Jobman , we place great emphasis on sustainability and take responsibility for how our operations affect both people and our planet . Of course , we hope that you are satisfied with our products and also with us as a company . As a part of New Wave Group , we pursue an active sustainability work towards a vision of sustainable growth where business solutions are not only financially profitable , but also sustainable from a social and environmental perspective . What makes the biggest difference is how we conduct our everyday business . That is why we integrate sustainability into our core operations and processes . The work includes , amongst several things , improved working conditions in production countries , a progressive work with chemicals and streamlining transport and logistics .
We invite you to take part of our work at group level with CSR and sustainability . More information is available in New Wave Group Sustainability Report , where we highlight important activities , achievements and ambitions for the future . You find it on New Wave ’ s website www . nwg . se / csr /
Amfori BSCI ( Business Social Compliance Initiative ) Amfori BSCI is a business driven initiative for companies committed to improve working conditions in the global supply chain . Our Code of Conduct have requirements on minimum wage , working hours , the prohibition of child labour and several other important criteria .
amfori . org / content / amfori-bsci
Swedish Textile & Clothing Industries ’ Association Jobman Workwear is a member of the environmental group at TEKO . TEKO , Swedish Textile and Clothing Industries ’ Association is the joint industry and employers ’ organization for the Swedish textile and clothing industry . The members have regular meetings and discuss e . g REACH , sustainable materials , packaging , eco-labeling , permit processes .
www . teko . se
Textile Exchange Textile Exchange is an international non-profit organization working for responsible expansion of the textile industry and the organic cotton production .
textileexchange . org
The Swedish Chemicals Group The Chemicals Group is arranged by RISE , a world leading research group with a key role in the Swedish innovation system . In this network we receive the most updated information on chemical legislations and developments .
kemikaliegruppen . se
Clean Shipping Index The Clean Shipping Index aims to ensure shipping companies use cleaner vessels by ranking the most highly-performing ships . Transport buyers can use the Clean Shipping Index to calculate and minimise their environmental footprint .
cleanshippingindex . com
Amfori BSCI ( Business Social Compliance Initiative ) Amfori BSCI is a business driven initiative for companies committed to improve working conditions in the global supply chain . Our Code of Conduct have requirements on minimum wage , working hours , the prohibition of child labour and several other important criteria .
amfori . org / content / amfori-bsci