Job shadowing Sweden Eulalia Delgado | Page 16

Global Education & European Teaching Strategies Hagnässkolan Hagnässkolan is a middle high school located in Brunna, in the Upplands-Bro municipality. There are about 450 students whose ages range from 10 to 15 years old and 50 staff members (school administration board, teachers, pupil assistants, school nurse, guidance counsellors, curator, guidance counsellors, janitor, kitchen assistants) They enjoy new, refurbished premises which were completed after extended modernization. In the afternoons, their leisure centre offers open activities for evening hours. They have 3 tenets in their strategic plan: 1. Adapting teaching to all students’ needs (collaborative process) facilitated by the National agency- Skolverket. 2. Develop the use of computers. 3. Develop standard criticism, counteract traditional gender roles and accept differences. They firmly believe that the school should be a place for students who are eager to learn, a comfortable place for exciting learning. If the students feel happy to attend school, families participate more and students find meaning in their learning progress. 15