Job shadowing Sweden Eulalia Delgado | Page 12

Global Education & European Teaching Strategies Upplands- Brogymnasiet (Kungsängen) What does research say? Three ways to support and challenge high-performing students Acceleration Enrichment Increase of motivation Level grouping Lead projects Contests (maths, writing short stories) Exam More advanced assignments High expectations Have groups in parallel Challenging groups for high performing Topics that creat expectations Placements tests Help centres with extra material Support self-esteem Battis & Collins (2014) study of high performing students in high school This study proved that teachers had a positive attitude towards high- performing students and looked upon them as assets. Moreover, teachers pointed out lack of time as a problem and that most resources were invested in students with special needs. The study also shed light on the fact that teachers lacked directives from the school administration on how to face high-performing students. Many students lack endurance- they give up too easily. They don’t believe in their abilities and lack patience when assignments get more difficult. Teachers need methods and strategies to encourage and challenge the students to become more sustainable, not to give up in their process of learning. 11