Job shadowing Sweden 1 Sonderskov Eva M José | Page 9
Job Shadowing in Sønderskov-Skolen (Søndenborg, Denmark)
4th February 2019 - 8th February 2019
11.45 – 12.30 Presentation; The Danish School system
(Sila, Cerkiline and Cecelie from 8.C 14y.o.)
Public Schools in Søndenborg.
12.30 – 13.00 Presentation about Sønderskov-Skolen
(Signe, Leen, Karen and Elma from 8.A 14y.o.)
There are 700 students (from grade 0 - 6 y.o. - to grade 9 - 15 y.o.)
They take 8 45-minute lessons every day.
There are about 22 students per class and a 25% of the pupils are from other origins than
At the 8th grade (14 years old), they’ve got 6 teachers for 12 subjects.
The girls highlight:
- The project called “DEATH” on which they are currently working in four subjects (Danish,
English, German, Art).
- Their Wednesday afternoon’s optional subjects (they choose between music, sport,
society, technology, art. It’s a 3 45-minute lessons period.
- The Galla in September at the beginning of 8th yea (they love it!).
- Patrols: “It’s all about empowerment and participatory democracy for students”. “Patrols
connect people”.
13.00 – 13.15 Break
13.15 – 13.45 Welcome meeting to Sønderskov-School by Mette Elmerdahl
(Headmistress of Sønderskov-School)
13.45 - 14.00 Attending 8.B.
English with Hayssam Gheith
Grade 8 (14 yo) 18 students
Students work on their computers. They are finishing an oral presentation about death. This
presentation is going to be shared with Cadmous school in Lebanon.