Job shadowing Sweden 1 Sonderskov Eva M José | Page 20
Job Shadowing in Sønderskov-Skolen (Søndenborg, Denmark)
4th February 2019 - 8th February 2019
10.00 – 12.00 Visiting The Global House (VidensBy Søndenborg).
Knowledge City Søndenborg (VidensBy Søndenborg ) is a “Learning Platform” that started
some years ago with the House of Science and is organized in five different areas of
action:The Global House, The House of Citizenship, The House of Creativity, The House of
Health and The House of Science.
The GIobal House gets fund from private corporations, the Municipality and ALL schools in
We meet Marie Fink, Educational Coordinator of Global House. She shows us the office in
Søndenborg centre and tells us about their work.
The Global House supports Hayssam Gheit in his task as the International Coordinator of
Sonderskøv Skolen.
12.00 13.00 Lunch at Global House and end of the programme