Job shadowing Sweden 1 Sonderskov Eva M José | Page 16

Job Shadowing in Sønderskov-Skolen (Søndenborg, Denmark) 4th February 2019 - 8th February 2019 Day 4: Thursday 7 th February 2019 8.00 – 11.15 Attending 8.A., 8.B. and 8.C. English with Hayssam and Helle Grade 8 (14 y.o.) 18, 20 and 11 students We do our presentation (3 times!!!) It’s a way to make the students reflect about the similarities and differences among languages and cultures and make them practise oral English as well! 11.15 – 11.45 Lunch break At the staff room, all the teachers and the Headmistress are celebrating the end of the term. We say some words to thank everyone for their warm welcome and collaboration.