Job Search Diary Job Search Diary from Resume Writing Lab | Page 8

7. Be Careful With Margins Readability is the main factor in attracting the eyes of hiring managers. Sufficient margin space increases readability and makes the resume appear to be well-organized. Do not go beyond quarter inch margins to keep your resume readable. 8. Sans Serif Is Your Friend When choosing a font for your resume, keep it simple. Sans Serif fonts look clean and are the easiest to read. Creativity in formatting is abhorred by most hiring managers, so stick to the basics. 9. Take The Time To Convert Word processing documents are notoriously difficult to  translate from one program to another. Sending  your resume in word processing format means you run a  substantial risk that your organization and  proper resume formatting will be lost when the company opens the file. Avoid sending a garbled mess by converting the file to a PDF document. The PDF will look exactly like the document on your end, and cannot be altered by the opening process. 10. Don't Overdo Bullet Points A good resume isn't overladen with bullet points. Use of bullet points or arrows should be limited to things that deserve highlighting, such as impressive accomplishments or computer