Job Search Diary Job Search Diary from Resume Writing Lab | Page 17

Give a Feedback Creating a flawless profile isn’t enough for a promising job seeker and we have just proved that. Thus, always give a  f e e d b a c k . H a v e g o t an  invitation to a particular event? Accept it. Even if it isn’t really connected with your occupation or preferences, you are a job seeker and you probably have enough spare time. Thus, accept the invitation just to meet new people. The  Earth is round –  you will definitely find someone working in your dream company  (or someone, who has his best friend working in your dream company). Carefully ask about recommending you to the CEO, for instance, and it's a cinch!
 Again, remember that observing the activity of others is observing your life passing by. Therefore,  be resourceful and active. Stand out of the crowd! If you are out if ideas, look through easy ways to refresh your LinkedIn page. As you can see, using LinkedIn isn’t about chilling at home with your laptop. It’s about creating an image, building your own network and reminding about yourself. Selling your skills and abilities is a difficult thing, especially nowadays when the proposal is lower than demand. Thus, use this amazing tool right and get an impressing outcome!