E-Administration …..
Prof. Pradeep Jobanputra
Associate Professor , P. D. Malaviya College of Commerce, Rajkot
Education Administrators
Education administrators play an important role in the academic system. They are
essentially managers of the systems, responsible for making sure that everything runs
smoothly in all aspects of the educational environment. They are responsible for
making sure that teachers are doing their jobs properly, that all employees are
adhering to any state or government requirements, and that the curriculum is up to
Education administrators are also in charge of maintaining a good relationship with
their community, students, and parents of students. All of these duties make up the
job of an education administrator, and these duties are very important in helping keep
systems running smoothly and providing a high quality of education to students.
e-Administration, or electronic administration, refers to any of a number of
mechanisms which convert what in a traditional office are paper processes into
electronic processes, with the goal being to create a paperless office. This is an ICT
tool, with the goal being to improve productivity and performance.
e-Admin. Encompasses both intra-office and inter-office communication for any
Its objective is to introduce total transparency and accountability leading to better eGovernance within any organization
2.1 Implementation base
The implementation of any e-administration solution should be user centric rather
than organization centric, should remove dependence on specific individuals, and
should introduce transparent systems of working.
A paperless office is a work environment in which the use of paper is eliminated or
greatly reduced. This is done by converting documents and other papers into digital
form. Proponents claim that "going paperless" can save money, boost productivity,
save space, make documentation and information sharing easier, keep personal
information more secure, and help the environment. The concept can also be extended
to communications outside the office.
2.2 Eliminating paper via automation
The need for paper is eliminated by using online systems