JOB E LEARN Vol -1 issue -1 | Page 19

7. Branding Tool P jobanputra’s e-Class The teacher can give the name to the class/ School for his sessions and can create brand by this tool. A Virtual Class will facilitate a teacher by : 1. Scheduling the classing 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Managing Classes Managing Content Conducting Poling Conducting Quizzes Analysing Responses Presenting Responses Conveying Responses to Virtual Universities/Schools The number once complaint about Virtual Classroom Training is the lack of participant interactivity. And when there is interactivity it is often gratuitous. In this section we will talk about designing interactivity that is robust and adds value to your objective. To start, we must ensure that we have an excellent understanding of the capabilities of our VCT tool. You can NOT design an activity using tools you don’t understand. This may be a review for some of you, but put on your design hat and think about how you can use these tools to design interactivity that adds value to your course. The most important aspect of a virtual classroom are the tools available to you during a class. A facilitator typically wants to do two things in a class. One – present information to the group and two – check their learning through interaction. As a designer you must be able to assist the facilitator in achieving this. Virtual Classroom Tools such as Elluminate Live provides many useful features for presenting information and interacting with your training session participants. Lets take a closer look at these features. Know ALL of Your Classroom Capabilities