JLUS Report sj_jlus_report_sm | Page 61

CAMA Core Land Use Plan Adopted by Tyrrell County in 2009 , the county ’ s Land Use Plan vision is to maintain and protect the environmental resources and the agriculture and rural character of the county . The land use plan does not reference the DCR . A review of the Land Use Plan has identified the following concerns related to military compatibility :
• The plan states that Tyrrell County does not support military restricted airspace and / or continued expansion of the areas .
• The plan does not address the military presence from a land use compatibility perspective .
County Code – Zoning Ordinance Tyrrell County does not maintain zoning regulations within unincorporated portions of the County . Only the Town of Columbia has established a zoning ordinance to “ promote the health , safety , morals , and general welfare ” of the town . This zoning ordinance does not address land use compatibility with the military overflight .
Building Code In addition to the State Building Code , Tyrell County adopted a Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance in 2003 to better protect the area from future climate change . The Tyrrell County Building Code does not include provisions for sound attenuation as it relates to sound transmission from external noise sources to internal building spaces .
Washington County
Comprehensive Plan Washington County has not adopted a Comprehensive Plan .
CAMA Land Use Plan The Washington County CAMA Land Use Plan is currently under State review .
Zoning Ordinance The Washington County zoning ordinance was l review of the zoning regulations has identified t related to military compatibility :
• The topics of noise , vibration , and lightin compatibility of military activities are not
• No height requirements for telecommun energy development are stated within th
Building Code The Washington County Building Inspections De inspections services to the Towns of Roper , Cre Washington County follows the 2012 North Car Building Code which does not address sound tra noise sources to internal building spaces .
Wayne County
Comprehensive Plan Wayne County ’ s Comprehensive Plan states tha with Seymour Johnson AFB on proposed develo plan also considers the installations long range for supporting infrastructure , and buffer areas n support the future of Seymour Johnson AFB . Th action items directly support Seymour Johnson
Policy 1.5 : County‐wide mass transit service through the encouragement of compact , TR DEVELOPMENT PATTERNS . Higher intensity be encouraged along designated transit cor municipalities and employment centers , Sey Force Base and other population centers .
Seymour Johnson AFB and Dare County Range JLUS Report