JLUS Report sj_jlus_report_sm | Page 133

Issue / Strategy LEG-2 State Engagement on Funding Partnering Need for enhanced engagement with congressional stakeholders to preserve partnerships, promote cooperation, and secure funding for the acquisition of land for conservation buffers surrounding Seymour Johnson AFB. LEG-2A Seymour Johnson AFB MCAOD / DCR MIA Create State Funding Mechanisms Consider adopting an amendment to the NC General Statutes to create state funding mechanisms to assist county and municipal governments in long-range land use and infrastructure planning including acquisition of conservation buffers to support military compatibility, and workforce training in geographic areas impacted by military operations, and for the acquisition of land through a land exchange program as recommended in Strategy LU-4B. Short-Term  Primary Partners: NC Military Affairs Committee, NC General Assembly LEG-3 Military Compatibility Legislation Need for enhanced military compatibility legislation to ensure appropriate response timeframes and applicability to precise geographic areas. LEG-3A Seymour Johnson AFB Coordination MCA / DCR Coordination MAA Early Development Application Notification to Seymour Johnson AFB Consider adopting an amendment to the NC General Statute Section 153A- 323(b) to require early notification to Seymour Johnson AFB of development applications rather than at the public hearing stage. Consider incorporating a process to fast-track the permitting of wind energy facilities where development is not detrimental to the military mission and where it can be accomplished through coordination with the military as recommended in Strategy LEG-1A. Short-Term  Primary Partners: NC Military Affairs Committee, NC General Assembly   Seymour Johnson AFB and Dare County Range JLUS Report Page 117