JLUS Report sj_jlus_report_sm | Page 119

Issue / Strategy development in ordinances at that time. ED-1F Seymour Johnson AFB Imaginary Surfaces MCA / DCR Vertical Obstruction MAA Procedures to Ensure Coordination with DOD Siting Clearinghouse On-going    The DOD Siting Clearinghouse requirements and standards published in Title 32, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 211 shall advise and guide the process to facilitate the early submission of renewable energy project proposals to the Clearinghouse for military mission compatible review. Amend applicable local planning documents (CAMA Land Use Plans, regional plans, and renewable energy regulations) to incorporate policies and procedures for ensuring coordination of alternative energy development applications with the DOD Siting Clearinghouse. If JLUS communities become aware of any wind energy development projects, they should get contact information for the developer and inform them of the need to coordinate with the DOD Clearinghouse. Other Primary Partners: Developers, DOD Siting Clearinghouse HOUSING AVAILABILITY (HA) HA-1 Lack of Local Short-Term Accommodation for Training Reservists The lack of sufficient quantities of short-term lodging has resulted in military workforce commuting to Seymour Johnson AFB from as far away as Raleigh, which can require a minimum commute time of over an hour each way. HA-1A Seymour Johnson AFB MCAOD Quantify Short-Term Accommodation Needs Seymour Johnson AFB should share short-term lodging needs for training reservists based on unit training assembly requirements / projections with the City of Goldsboro and Wayne County for planning purposes and Wayne County On-Going      Seymour Johnson AFB and Dare County Range JLUS Report Page 103