JLUS Background Report sj_br_report_sm | Page 297

• Seymour Johnson goes through USDA to coordinate BASH efforts with the City of Goldsboro .
• Seymour Johnson works with the Southern Wayne Sanitary District or Wayne Water District for BASH efforts related to water towers in Wayne County .
• The military ’ s authority is limited to conditions on the Base , which requires a coordinated effort through the USDA and local jurisdictions to address mitigation techniques outside the installation .
Incompatible Development Located in Seymour Johnson AFB Safety Zones Incompatible uses in the Safety Zones extend into City of Goldsboro and Wayne County creating a safety concern .
Compatibility Assessment Military airfields are associated with safety zones which consist of CZs and APZs that extend out from each runway end . Development is a concern within these zones , because statistically this is where aircraft accidents are most likely to occur . The risk to people on the ground in the event of an aircraft accident is small ; however , the consequences associated with these incidents are high . It is this level of potential impact which drives the Air Force ’ s recommended land uses within safety zones . The Air Force ’ s AICUZ Study identifies incompatible land uses within the safety zones and provides guidance on compatible uses within these defined areas . Incompatible development within these areas increases the safety risk for the public and for the airmen .
The CZs have the highest incident risk because th the ends of the runway , where accidents are sta The AICUZ recommends that only Open Space an structures ) uses should be allowed in the CZ . Eac 3,000 feet long and 3,000 foot wide , which begin runway and extends outwards , away from the ru installation to either acquire the land within the easement for the land , in order to prevent devel AICUZ Study last updated in 2011 indicates that owns 44 percent of land with the remainder in t planning jurisdiction while 100 percent of the lan the Air Force . The City maintains an APZ District uses within the CZ other than agricultural .
The APZs are the second most hazardous area , lo APZ I extends out 5,000 feet , beginning at the di also 3,000 feet wide . APZ II is 3,000 feet wide , an an additional 7,000 feet . Since these areas are fa runway , the potential risk is lower , which increas compatible development . The APZs are still con use planning recommendations within these are protect the safety of the community . The land w within the City of Goldsboro ’ s planning jurisdicti the outside edges of these areas under Wayne C
According to the 2011 AICUZ Update there were residential development within APZ I and II total three acres of incompatible Commercial land wi incompatible Public use within the CZ and APZ I . 13 acres of incompatible land as “ Other ” within incompatible uses per the AICUZ Study is identif
Background Report